Unlike “Games” or “Guided Hitting Sessions”, Open Sessions are a great way to improve your game, at your own pace, and in your own setting. If you are looking to ONLY take Swings and receive feedback from your Bat Sensor, Open Sessions are the perfect place for you! To access Open Sessions you can:
1. Pair your Bat Sensor to the Diamond Kinetics app.
2. Click on the “Activities” page.
3. Click on the “Bat Icon” in the top right corner of the “Activities” page. This should start an Open Session, that you can begin to take swings in!
Lets take a look at the different icons that are in Open Session, and what their functions are:
1. Rest Timer: This is a training tool that allows you to see how much time you are taking in between Swings. "The Rest Timer" can help hitters develop a rhythm that they can stick to, throughout the course of an Open Session.
2. Sensor Connection Icon: Clicking this icon will take you to the "Sensor Settings" page, where you can re-connect/disconnect your Bat Sensor.
3. Menu Button: The "Menu Button" has two primary features. When selected the "Menu Button", shows the total time that you have spent in the session, and also has a feature that will end the current session, and take you back to the "Activities" page.
4. Metric Selection Arrow: Selecting this icon will allow you to switch back and forth between the Metrics that you would like to populate on your screen, during your Session.
5. Swing Count: This is a training tool that allows you to see how many swings you have taken, during your session.
Clickable Icons:
As mentioned above, the "Sensor Connection Icon", "Menu Button", and "Metic Selection Arrow" are all clickable icons. This means, that when they are tapped, a pop-up will be induced, that will appear on your screen. Lets take a look at the Clickable Icons, and their more in depth features:
Sensor Connection Icon:
By selecting the "Sensor Connection Icon", you will be able to check the status of your paired sensor, and the other sensors that are within your immediate pairing area. The "Sensor Connection Icon" is useful for keeping track of your sensors battery, re-connecting your sensor if it has been disconnected, or even switching to another sensor, if you have one!
Menu Button:
After Selecting the "Menu Button" and ending your current session, you will be presented with the "Session Summary Screen". This screen will allow you to view your top and average metrics, for the session that you just completed!
Metric Selection Arrow:
When clicked, the "Metic Selection Arrow" will actually turn upside-down, and pull up this bar. You can scroll throughout this bar, find whichever metric fits your needs for your session, and tap on the name of that metric. This will then close the "Metric Selection Arrow", so you can get back to your Open Session.